Sunday, October 23, 2005

Lets Think About The Children

I was reading an article about the Kentucky legislature, it turns out they passed a bill that stated rapes of same-sex types can be punished more severly by a few extra years in prison. The Supreme Court of Kentucky shot the bill down, stating that moral disagreement is not enough.

Well lets think about the children: 1. The pshycological damage for any rape can be catastrophic, let alone I personnaly know someone who is now gay because they were raped by someone of the same sex as a child. This person may always be confused from this point on, consider that.
2. The goverments power is derived from the people as we clearly see in the Declaration of Independence. If the people want a law like this, (provided it is not contradictory to our Constitution), then the people should be able to have one. I daresay most people will first think about their children when considering this.
3. It is well-known that this kind of sexual activety opens the door to more STDs then would more natural activeties.
I think the Kansas Legislature was well justified in making this law. God bless you all!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

No Spam please

Hello, since our blog has had significant problems with comment spam, we have incorporated a word verification protection system, this means to comment you will see a screen with a word, and you must type the word in correctly. This helps because computers are unable to read and type the word, therefore people will have to comment in person. God bless you all!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Outcry Against Abortion

I've read an article today regarding the nomination of Harriet Miers to the U.S. Supreme Court. The article emphasized that Miers is opposed to abortion, and that when running for Dallas city council, she said she "supported a constitiutional amendment to ban the procedure in most cases", and that and that she had the same view on the use of city funds and facilities for the procedure, (Times West Virginian, 10-19-05, 4A). That does not surprise me, what got me was a statement made by a democratic senator: "This raises very serious concerns about her ability to fairly apply the law without bias in this regard" (Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California). Just in case Mrs. Feinstein is unaware our Constitiution never does guaruntee the right of a women to have an abortion. The Decision of Roe V. Wade was based on the 9th and 14th amendments, "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retianed by the people", reads the 9th. the 14th says "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;". To say that taking the life of an unborn baby is a right retained by the people is absolutely horrific, and read the second part of the quotation of the 19th, "nor shall any State deprive any person of life". If scientists can declare that a single-celled germ, that does not even have a nucleus is a living thing, then I think we can declare that sperm and egg united a living thing, and did you know that when abortion is normally performed that baby is perfectly formed, can hear, has aheart and a brain etc... surely this baby we are killing is a person, and thus it is murder. Its time we on the right start combating the far-lefties with core facts from the Constitution, so even when we look at the Constitution without bias, we can say that abortion is unlawful.

If you need more evidence, look at when these amendments were passed, 1791, and 1866, a time when abortion would not have really been thought of, so if it wasn't an issue originally protected by these amendments what right have we 100+ years down the road to declare these issues under the protection of our Constitution? Surely murder existed back then, the press existed, religious persecution existed, and all these things are still protected. Abortion was not near as common, if it existed at all, I bet if we were to look at what Congress assembled meant by these amendments we would know that abortion would have never crossed their minds. God bless you all, and open the eyes of lefties who think our Constitutional rights no longer apply to religious people, we Christians for example.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Where is the Love?

There is a question I should like to ask, and don't be surprised if by the end of this I seem to be in a Christian version of a Howard Dean red faced rant.

Tell me church (of which I am a part), where is the love? Where is the unity in Christ? Have we loved our neighbor as our self with all the criticizing we do? More importantly we must love the Lord with all of our hearts, and the Bible says you can't hate your brother. Sure we talk about faith, hope, love, the gratest of which is love, but how many of us practice what we've preached? I see Christian pinned against Christian all the time. We've become so focused on the little things that other people do that bug us, we've forgotten to practice the Golden Rule. Is it not in I Corinthians 13 where Paul tells us that love keeps no track of wrongs?

I believe its time we in the Church wake up and do our job. Turn our backs on strife, troubles and the things that might not be going our way yet, and turn our eyes towards Jesus. He is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the great I am. He is able to heal the wounded heart, the child molester, the homosexual, the one who cuts, the alcoholic and every opressed. I tell you Jesus died for that homosexual, and that gothic just like He died for you and me! Jesus is coming, and he isn't coming to get a dead Church, He is coming for the same Church he left! Its time we arise and start living our faith, for James tells us that faith that does nothing is dead!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Just Blog'n 27 (I think)

Hello, not much going on here. Having some troubles in scouts with racial terminology, its very frustrating, these are Boy Scouts were talking about here, not gang bangers. Boy Scouts shouldn't have this problem, and I don't really car if its white to white, black to white, black to black or any of the many other combinations you can come up with. We do not need racial terms like cracker and the n-word (which if I say I could have my blog flagged). Lets just stop using these terms, my theory is if you wouldn't do it infront of a cop, say it infront of your mother, or say it infront of your pastor then don't say it at all! I don't remember Jesus using the terms I listed above, so what right have we to say them? While it is true they probably didn't have those exact terms there were racial terms. Anyway lets stop shouting against racism and still use these terms, how hypocritical are we? Anywho, God bless you all!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Harriet Miers

It should come as no surprise to you that I insist on taking a "far right offensive" stance on this issue of our most recent Supreme Court nominee.

From what we can gather Miers is a Texas Conservative, Fundamental Christian, and probably not one to vote with the likes of Scalia or Souter. I am very happy to see a conservative be appointed here, and honestly I could care less what mainstream America thinks. Even though a mojority of Americans are pro-life, pro-religious, pro-Constitutional rights, the left gets to claim that there views, which are in Newtons law "equal and opposite" to mine, are that of mainstream America.

Don't heed political jargon such as that. Terminology like that is meant to make people think their senator in Washington actually cares about them. So without the big poli terms lets look at Harriet Miers. (I'm not out to please people, if I was I would have given politics up long ago, and I pay little attention to "rules of war" in political issues, so far-lefts can expect a beating).

Miers: Fought pro-choice stance for national bar association, Bravo! Appears to know that there is right in wrong, and believes in the sanctity of mariage, thank God! Is probably against seperation of church and state (which I can't even find in the Constitution), Encore! Is being portrayed as a far-right winger with possibly farther right views then mine. Conclusion, we could've used someone like her long ago. Lets get more right wing, and whoever doesn't want to, well, there is Canada. I can only hope Miers is anti-ACLU, anti-take God out of schools, anti-get rid of Boy Scouts, and pro-national morality, pro-Ten Commandments in the court house, pro-"one nation under God". I'm looking for hard-core conservatives who have a spine, and will say "these are our views, mainstream or not". God bless you all

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