Friday, September 30, 2005

Just Blog'n something

Good Morning! Actually its about 8:00p.m. here. Not much to blog about in terms of just blog'n. Not getting any comments that areworth keeping on these posts, if you notice I delete many comments because people use them to advertise for non-blogger sites. Anyway God bless you all!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Shelom! Not much to blog about. Do have DSL not AOL now. It is fruitless to indoctrinate an annuated canine with new innovations. In other words you can't teach an old dog new tricks. I'm not entirely comfortable with this DSL yet, but I should get used to it.

School is going pretty good thank God. For it is only with God am I able to get A's. And I thank God for everything He has done. God bless you all!

Friday, September 16, 2005

One Nation Under God

Howdy ya'll. Caution to all politics haters, you may not want to read this post!

"George Washington, Thomas Jefferson. Samuel Adams, first Chief Justice John Jay. Nmaes synonymous with the spirit of our country, founding fathers of the USA. Over two hundred years ago they shook of the chains of tyrany from Great Britain by divine call. citing 27 Biblical violations they wrote the Declaration of Independance, with liberty and justice for all. But somethings happened since Jefferson called the Bible the cornerstone for American liberty, then put it in our schools as a light. Or since give me liberty or give me death Patrick Henry said our country was founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We eliminated God from the equation of American life, thus eliminating the reason this nation first began. From beyond the grave I hear the voices of our founding fathers plead, you need God in America again. Of the 55 men who formed the Constitution 52 were active members of their church ,Founding fathers like Noah Webster who wrote the first dictionary could literally quote the Bible chapter and verse. James Madison said we've staked our future and our ability to follow the 10 Commandments with all our heart, these men believed you couldn't even call yourself an American if you subvert the Word of God. In his farewell address Washington said you can't have national morality apart from religious principle and its true, cause right now we have over 150,000 kids carrying guns to these war zones we call public schools. In the 40's and 50's student problems were chewing gum and talking, in the 90's rape and murder are the trend. The only way this nation can even hope to last this decade is put God in America again.

The only hope for America is Jesus, the only hope for our country is Him. If we repent of our ways, stand firm and say we need God in America again.

Abe Lincoln said the philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next. So when you eliminate the Word of God from the classroom and politics you eliminate the nation that Word protects. America is now No. 1 in teen pregnancy and violent crime, No. 1 in illiteracy, drug use and divorce. Everyday a new Holocaust of 5000 unborn die, while pornograhpy floods our streets like open sewers. America's dead and dying hand is on the threshold of the church, while the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah vex us all! When it gets to the point that people would rather come out of the closet then clean it, its the sign that judgement of God is gonna fall! If there's ever been a time to rise up church its now, and as the blood-bought saints of the living God proclaim, that its time to sound the alarm from the hurch house to the White House and say we want God in America again! I believe its time America to stand up and proclaim that One NATION UNDER GOD is our demand, and send this evil lifestyle back to satan where it came from and let the Word of God revive our dying land!

For Jesus Christ is coming back in all His glory, and every eye shall see Him on that day, thats why a new anointing of God's power is coming on us to boldly tell the world you must be saved! Because astrology won't save ya, your horoscope won't save ya, the Bible says these things are all farse! If your born-again you don't need to look to the stars for your answers, cause you can look to the very one who made those stars! History tells us time and time again to live like there's no God makes you a fool, you wanna see kids live right, stop handing out condoms and start handing out the Word of God in School!!

I tell you The only hope for America is Jesus, the only hope for our country is Him. If we repent of our ways, stand firm and say we need God in America again!"

(Carmen, The Standard/ America Again) Lets keep this One nation under God, I won't pledge to any other nation!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Just Blog'n 25?

Hoowwwwwwdy! Whats up ya'll? Not much here, I've been in the blogging buisness for about half a year, and you may notice a large majority of these blogs are in the more recent half. Well your right, during the summer I had alot more opportunity to blog. Now that school is in session I'm rather busy. Thank God I get through it though.

Tomorrow my school will be collecting money for hurricane Katrina, and we have corporate sponsors who will match whatever we collect. So if we collect 1,500$ then the actual donation will be 4,500$. I will be donating provided I remember to bring money (which I seldom take to school). I would encourage everyone to do what you can to help. Any Katrina victims reading this our thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless you all!

Monday, September 05, 2005

John Roberts, 2.

Howdy ya'll. John Roberts has now been nominated to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. I personnally don't think he'd do a bad job, but I predict harsh opposition from Liberals playing their partisan games (of which Conservatives are guilty to). Hopefully Mr. Roberts will get a smooth hearing in the senate.

On another note last night I was up until about 2:00 playing Texas Hold'em. We played three rounds, the first time I placed last, the second I placed third, and the third I placed second. I was tired by the third round so I went all in before the flop with a Jack, 2 off suite. I got called, a 8, Queen. On the flop I got another two and a Jack, giving me two pair. However two eight did come up by the river, which caused my demise. It was still very interesting. Anyway God bless you all!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

This is a blog, not free advertisement.

Howdy, I've noticed a increase in the number of comments lately. This is good in a way; however, I want to make something very clear:

1. Comments should not advertise for a non-blog site, unless its just a link to ones site with no advertisement in the comment.
Comments that resemble the below are toast.
"Great Blog, I'll be back. Another great site is (site link here), you might want to try it".

2. Any vulgarity in any comment will result in immediate removal from the blog.

3. Any comment put on just to advertise a non-blog site will be deleted.

I appreciate comments such as the one on "Christmas in September". The writer is courteous, and encouraging. He links to a site, but he doesn't advertise it, it is modestly put in on the bottom with no referance to it in the comment. Please if your want to put a link in a comment don't make it the center of the coment. God bless you all!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Just Blog'n 24(?)

Howdy ya'll. School is going good. Went up to Coopers Rock earlier, pretty awesome. Its kinda hard to think that camp was just three months ago, and school about three days before that, and now I'm back to school. About one month ago I was in Maine, life just seems to be going by so quickly. Life really is very short like James said. Anyway God bless you all.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Christmas in September

Hey, a few days ago in Madrigals we started singing songs for our competition in December. Of course we are singing Christmas songs, in September. I really like Christmas songs, but its a bit awkward at this time a year, ya sing em and wanna get all into the Christmas spirit suddenly to remember its only September, :( . Anyway God bless you all!

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