Friday, August 26, 2005



This one feeling can completly dominate at times. But the thing is this can only dominate when we let it. If you always expect the worst thats what your gonna get, the worst. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, and of peace, and of a sound mind. Hallelujah! We need to stop focusing on the worst and start claiming the best. We have got to change the mentality of "well in this scenario this (the worst) happens". I tell you that scenario didn't happen with father Abraham. In his scenario would we ever expect a child? It takes faith, lots of it. When Abraham considered his circumstances he did it in faith, not fear. When we consider our circumstances we must do it in faith not fear.

What Job feared the worst is what happened to him. So why are we allowing this fear into us, sometimes we might not realize it, other times we just aren't looking in faith. I tell you Paul certainly didn't fear the snake that bit him, Moses took a step of faith and overcame his fears. We need to look on the positive, expect the best. The "I can't" attitude must be gone within the church. We must not allow it. In the words of the Great Dr. Suess (and my little alterations) "this fear should not be here, it should not be about, this fear should not be here as long as satan is out". And satan needs to stay out, let fear in and that can give satan a stronghold. God bless you all!


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