Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I've had enough!

How many of you are sick of all the filth Hollywood is putting out these days. This is unaccaptable, we should protest. In all honesty a mojority of Americans do not want this filthy language, and complete lack of moral values. Most teens would not talk and act the way they do if it were not for this filth. But on the other hand, it is half the American publics fault for watching this, and supporting it. Complain to theatre managers for showing filth and stuff. God bless you

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Just Blog'n 8

If Peter Pipper Picked a peck of pickled peppers, then where did he find a peck of these peppers to pick? Was there a field for him to pick them out of? Peppers do not grow on trees, or do they? And what did he pick them with? Is there a pickled pepper picking machine? And if there is such a machine who makes it, John Deere? Something to ponder. God bless you.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Unlawful, Malicious!

Hear me out, Jesse Jackson is once again under fire. He made some comments about police firing 125 bullets, at an UNARMED man. Jackson calls this "attempted murder" and "an act of terrorism". Those are at least very close to his exact words. Mr. Jackson is not wrong here for the most part. The deputies started firing when a man in a police helicopter said that the driver was trying to run deputies over. So what should have been done is he should have been pulled over, they had not proven he was even doing anything illegal. Shoting 125 shots at any one person hitting them FOUR times is excessive. Murder is unlawful, malicious attempt of one human to kill another(see Funk and Wagnells). There was no real proof that the driver was doing anything dangerous, and 125 shots is rather malicious for anyone person, therefore these deputies were not defending themselves. Our stupid police have abused authority time and time again. I can now see how the term "pigs" can apply to many police. More than one dozen officers firing 125 shots at an UNARMED man is rediculous. Even if he was armed they still could not do anything if he was not shoting anyone or thing. It is his constitutional right to bear arms. Maybe when some power abusing deputy does this again he will feel what its like to have 125 bullets fired at him from multiple directions, being hit by 4 of them. God bless you all, and for goodness sake lets take a stand

Friday, May 13, 2005

Boromir Evil?

If any of you know about the lotr you may enjoy chewing on this. Boromir wants to take the ring to Gondor, clearly consumed by its power. But his reasoning here is good. He reasons that with the ring he can defeat Sauron, and save his country. He obviously had no understanding of what the ring really was. God bless you all

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Just blog'n 7(?)

This world is full of turmoil and strife!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

World full of lies.

We truly live in a world full of lies. One can hardly trust anyone with the following title: doctor, lawyer, politician, news broadcaster, advertiser. These occupations are full of snakes and wolves, all out to get you. However, there are some good people in these professions, thank God. Maybe if we would tell these people "we don't want it" then we would be rich instead of them. America is chalk full of stupid people who: buy their kids anything they see on tv, won't discipline their children, have no control over their life, and think McDonalds is what makes them fat, rather then their metabolism or lack of self-control. I tell you Micky D's shouldn't have to pay a dime to someone who ignore the large "Caution, Hot" print on their cup and burnt themselves. These IDIOTS do not want to take responsibility for teir STUPIDITY. I tell you its that same crowd that says do not spank your children as it is that sue McDonalds for all their problems. God help this dysfunctional society.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

sdrawkcab ti daer.

I would like to congratulate British PM. Tony Blaire on his recent election victory. On another hand Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D of West Virginia) is up for re-election this year. He has been a senator longer then anyone else in U.S. history. He is in his late 80's, was elected by a larger majority then any other senator in U.S. history (I think, and is one of WV's "good old boys". For those of you whose states are not part of the good old boy system it is where someone gets elected, the people like him/her and continue to elect that person no matter who runs against them as long as they continue running, or die. It is not a good system, almost no new people get to state or national level offices from this state. In the governors election Monty Warner went against Joe Manchin, one thing is nobody ever beats a Manchin in politics and Joe was the good old Democratic boy. So even though Warner was a Major and handled a budget at the pentagon larger then that of the state of WV he lost. Not very fair. This sytem is backwards from what true democracy could be. Most people do not see that, like you probably failed to realize the title to this post is backwards.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Just Blog'n 4

Is it just me or are people getting much more rude then they used to be? This should not be tolerated, perhaps maybe if the older generation would show some respect we might have an example. Even though I know this is not entirely that generations fault they could have done better. I also know that there are people in our generation that are completly arrogant and a flat out disgrace.

For example in my 4th period class there are several people who are loud and obnoxious. When the teacher spots them on it they are like "you ain't hear me" or "I did'nt do it". These are the classic denials that these complete IDIOTS give. It is my personal belief that the teacher should be allowed to wallop kids like them. Obviously things such as in school suspension, structured lunch, and detention fail to do the trick. I would advise parents not to listen to they psychological fruit loops (Aussie for fool) that say not to spank your children.

These problems are not going to just go away. The disciplinary challenge is not being answered by the school board, or by the principal, or anyone else right now. Once again I will call upon studants and parents to do something. At my school the battle is pretty much lost, however you all still have the chance to fight.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


The blog that was lost did publish, thank God, its called; Ironic?


The web site wouldnt respond so I lost the thing I was going to post. But I will more than likely post it in good time. Not to much happening around here. God bless you all.


On the trip to NY some idiots brought alcohol. Today my school has a prom promise rally to try to get people not to drink and drive on prom night. They had a song and the person singing was one of those who is believed to have participated in the NY festivities. This is outrageous! If this person was drinking(and have like no doubt he was) he is being a hypocrite.
On another note would voters just give the third party some recognition? The presidential candidates who run for third parties have very strong views on many issues; yet they are ignored in debates, and find it almost impossible to get on the ballot. Do we really have freedom when Iraq has 20+ candidates who are all more or les equally known, and we have two? That is not a lot of choice.
I really hope some people in this country take some stands soon. And do not think I do not practice what I preach, on election day I talked with supporters of the other candidate, and wved a sign for my candidates. I debate polotics a lot, write senators, governors, representatives, and so on. And more importantly I pray for this country and these situations. God bless you all.

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