Saturday, May 07, 2005

sdrawkcab ti daer.

I would like to congratulate British PM. Tony Blaire on his recent election victory. On another hand Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D of West Virginia) is up for re-election this year. He has been a senator longer then anyone else in U.S. history. He is in his late 80's, was elected by a larger majority then any other senator in U.S. history (I think, and is one of WV's "good old boys". For those of you whose states are not part of the good old boy system it is where someone gets elected, the people like him/her and continue to elect that person no matter who runs against them as long as they continue running, or die. It is not a good system, almost no new people get to state or national level offices from this state. In the governors election Monty Warner went against Joe Manchin, one thing is nobody ever beats a Manchin in politics and Joe was the good old Democratic boy. So even though Warner was a Major and handled a budget at the pentagon larger then that of the state of WV he lost. Not very fair. This sytem is backwards from what true democracy could be. Most people do not see that, like you probably failed to realize the title to this post is backwards.


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