Sunday, July 31, 2005

Back From Maine

Hey, just got back from Maine. I got to see the family and everyone, go to some of the Aroostook County Pentecostal Campmeeting, it was awesome. To doescribe some of the beutiful creations and things I saw, a song comes to mind

"O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the worlds Thy hand hath made, I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed. Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee, How great Thou art, How great Thou art. Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee, How great Thou art, Ho great Thou art."

I'm still praying for all you campers, and staff thast I worked with, really miss all you guys, God bless you all

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Old friends

Hey, i just talked to my camp counselor, from 2000! It was cool to talk to him, I think he was surprised that Its been so long that I'm now a Jr. Counselor. But he's now in Iraq, with our military serving our country. Anyway its cool to realize that 5 years later and so on I'm still gonna remember these campers. Praying for all you guys and miss you. But I wasn't even sure it was my camp counselor that still used the s/n. I hadn't talked to him for probably at least a year and a half. Any way pray for our service people, God bless you all.

My Name

Hey, my first name Josiah means: Yahweh supports, My second name means: Holder of the heel, or supplanter, To supplant can mean "to remove and replace with something else". Josiah in the Bible removed idol worship and Baal (I think)worship and replaced it with worshipping God. Thats all cool, my middle name can also mean "May God protect" and my first name can mean "One who searches for God". I seem to fit these definitions pretty well. If you would like to know what your name means please comment and leave you name.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Hi-Ho Happy Bloginians

Howdy ya'll. About to head up North, to Maine. It's gonna be great to see the family and everything, and to go to the Aroostook County Pentecostal campmeetings. And up there the Pentecostals are really Pentecostal, Hallelujah. Anyway come Sunday I won't be able to blog for about a week. God bless you all.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


No, this is not about presidential elections, its about my scout troop elections.

I currently hold a position as a patrol leader, and the troop chaplain aid. In all likely hood I could get elected to almost any position I ran for; however, I would like to become SPL, senior patrol leader, and if possible maintain my position as troop chaplain aid. This might not be a possibility though, if i can only be one of those positions which should it be? I would like some insight as to what you people think.

On one hand the other guy that will likely run for SPL is just not a good leader, and has shown to be irresponsible as aspl, almost no one else has qualifications for this post.

One the other we really don't have anyone who is comfortable even praying over a meal, let alone preparing a sermon and presenting it, even though I would likely mentor any successor most of the scouts in this troop are not that spiritually mature.

Now maybe you all see the dilema, please comment and give me your insight.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Just Blog'n 16

Howdy ya'll. I'm going to try to avoid politics for now, if I can.

I started reading "1984" by George Orwell today, and I must say I'm somewhat dissapointed with some of the stuff he describes, however other then some descriptions that give tmi(to much info) it is a decent book, have to finish it for school though.

I read "Monster" by Frank Peretti, starting on the 4th and finished it the following Friday or Saturday. If you like books that lock your eyes to the pages, read this one. However if you don't like Stephen King style thrillers I would recommend avoiding this book. Frank Peretti is the Christian equal to Stephen King.

I am also reading "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel. It is a wonderful book, but the kind that gives you so much to chew on reading more then 20 pages a day is difficult. But it is a great book, it has basically given me what I need to argue that the Gospels are 100% accurate by the worlds standards.

Anyway now you know what I've been reading, God bless you

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Just Blog'n 15

Hey everyone (provided anyone does read this), I know that it may seem I'm all about politics. Well in reality I am not all about politics, one of the primary reasons I comment on them is because I am a Christian and feel someone needs to level the playing field. Most of my political views come from my moral conviction. And it is because of those convictions I am such a political activist. Ephesians 5:11 tells us to have nothing to do with the works of darkness but expose them. (Its not in qutations because I'm pulling it from memory, it might not be word for word). So thats what I try to do, I expose the bad politicians and organizations. If you want to hear more about my realationship with Jesus Christ, my Savior and King, let me know. If you really do not want to hear about politics, you need to comment. No one is commenting and it frustrates me that maybe no one is reading or you don't care. And for all the people from HRCC I tried to avoid politics for the most part in order to not hurt my ministry there.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Just Blog'n 14

Visit American Patriot Party

Hey, up there is a link to a new, very small third party. I thought they actually had good views for the most part. I think people need to be more open minded to third parties. Indeed, I hate the big two-party system we have, are we really free when Iraq has over 20 well known presidential candidates and we have two? Not alot of choice there. But there are other parties, and I think America needs to pay more attention to them. Don't get me wrong many of the parties are comprised of complete fools. But some of them are good, better then the major parties. So give every party a fair option, I considered myself Republican until I started looking at how much more in common I had with some of these third parties (Constitution, APP, CAP). Infact those three are so alike right now I think they should combine. Anyway lets give every party a fair chance.

The Third Parties

Hey I know most of you view third parties as groups with no real purpose, but most of them actually have some guts and practice what they preach. So for any of you who will soon be registering to vote I am going to give you some of the main views of the major third parties. (If I mess up on any of this ley me know).

1. Libertarians: This party, which claims to be the largest third party is liberal on some things, and conservative on others. They are pro-abortion, believe in the right to bear arms, against the war in Iraq, for more of their views visit

2. Constitution: The name is self-explanatory, even though there are two parties by this name. This one wants to decrease federal government back to its constitutional limits, anti-homo marriage, pro gun rights, and pro life, for more info visit

3. The Green Party: This party is fairly liberal, but they are pro gun rights, pro abortion, want to save our enviroment, and against the war in Iraq.

There are many other third parties, but I will try in discuss them later,you can read about any party at God bless you all

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

ACLU (Anti Constitutional-Liberties Union)

The ACLU has decided to wage war on yet another organization, which one? The Boy Scouts of America. This has to be stopped, the ACLU is responsible for costing the scouting movement millions in court. They say BSA requires members to take an oath that they believe in God, while thats not that bad of an idea here is the Boy Scout Oath:

"As an American, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, To obey the scout law, to help other people at all times. To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight".

FYI ACLU, if your an atheist you do not believe you have a duty to God, therefore you can not fail at what you would say is doing it.

I know all about religion in the scouting movement, I am the Chaplain Aid of the largest scout troop in my council, and one of the most active chaplians aids also. If you do not want to believe in God, the BSA is not going to make you in order to be a member, even though I highly encourage all of my scouts to be Christians, I can't mkae them. However in religious debate I'm known throughout the troop to almost always win. So yes, scouting encorages religion, as do our health books in public schools. I am a Christian and as long as I am chaplain aid the messages will be Christian based messages. But as an overall organization Scouting has chaplains for every major religion, and there are a few chaplians aids who are not any religion.

So we need to step up to the ACLU, who has gotten some 363,000 scouts, who were in troops sponsered by schools, looking for a new place to meet. This is unacceptable, The only constitution in the world that has the church seperated from the state is that of the "former, fallen Soviet Union."(Hagee). Our constitution, whcih I have my own copy of, tells the state to keep its nose out of the church's buisness, it does not tell the church to keep its nose out of the states buisness. If you would like to help the Boy Scouts visit God bless you all, and God bless the Boy Scouts.

P.S. I would like many comments on this.

Just Blog'n 13

Howdy, I have a very funny story, yet also kind of serious. When my little bro was in the hospital my uncle from Florida called to see how he was doing. Well my mom is trying to talk to him, but he won't stop talking long enough for my mom to get a word in. Near the end of the call he said it was good talking to you. Di they really talk, or did my uncle just blabber for about 20 minutes? Gow often when we pray are we the only ones talking, its become somewhat of a one-sided conversation for many of us, when your praying make sure you shut up and listen. God bless you all

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Just Blog'n 12

Hey, I've ranted enough about politics for awhile. Really starting to miss camp, trying to keep in touch with as many camp people as possible. God bless you all

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Enough is Enough!

I am sick and tired of politicians trying to take away my religious freedom! And they only do it to us Christians.

Example: Supreme Court outlaws a prayer being said in school that goes somehting like "Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence on you, we thank you for this country and ask that you bless us, amen. But in California studants must recite a Muslim prayer in history class to fully expieriance some lesson.

Our government is discriminating against Christians and every right we have. Tell me in the Constitution where it says "the church shall be seperate from the state". Anyone show me where it says that because what I see it says, "Congress shall make NO law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise ther of."

It says congress cannot make a law regarding religion meaning it can't make a law that says no prayer in schools, it can't make a law saying churchs have to hire homosexuals, it can't make a law regarding what can and can not be preached from the pulpit. The courts in California have said the Boy Scouts are a religious organization, but then they say in New York we have to have gay scoutmasters, thats making a law respecting an establishment of religion by the courts own ruling, and the courts will be hearing from me.

Congress better be glad I am a Christian because otherwise I would be making alot more trouble for them. Its time to make a stand, write your judges, senators, govorners, and repreentatives, tell them how you feel, tell them if they don't follow the constitution rather then twist it they won't get elected next term! God bless and help this country.

Friday, July 08, 2005

"Life as a vapor"

Some of you may have heard of this devotional book, but really think about how short life is, and how are to live everyday like it could be our last.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Terror in London.

Well as many of you know London was attacked by terrorists today. I would like to tell everyone in Great Britain they have my sympathy, prayers, and support. I know what its like to see "your homeland under fire, and her people blown away".

I'm amazed at how you Londoners reacted, no panick or anything! You should all be given an award. I support your country as long as God will allow me to do so. And I will tell you rally behind your Prime Minister, I know you don't all agree with him, but you all have a common enemy. Remember we are in a war, God bless you all.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Just bolg'n 11

Well I've not got to much to say, I'm still praying for all you campers, God bless you all

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

July the 5th

Welcome, greetings and salutations, I'm kinda upset about some political thing again. In a local newspaper yesterday there was a whole section of teens and kids who wrote about what the flag means to me. But at the end of the thing it thanked everyone who wrote and said "may you all grow up to be good, loyal Democrats" With denocrats in large print. I have nothing against political parties advertising themselves, but they made it sound like anyone who is not a democrat is not a good person. In this state Democrats outnumber Republicans about 2/1. They have been losing more support and more elections in recent years though, so they try to make it sound like they are the only good people, thats disgraceful, they cold ahve said "register Democrat" or something like that, but they have to go that low to make themselves look good. I can not do to much about it but I will do what I can, anyway God bless you all.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Fireworks and Bright flashes

Earlier this night I went to see the city have its firework display(which was magnificent). And I got to thinking "you know to many Christians are like fireworks, bright beutiful flash and loud boom and then they are done. They just go out, they were really briefly on fire for God and poof they are done, they let the atmosphere of this world extinquish them". See we need to be a constant light in this world, not just a quick flash. God bless you all

Just blog'n 10(?)

Happy Fourth of July!

It is approximately America's 230th birthday, No offense to anyone from England, but I'm related to Gen. Nathaniel Greene, and we walloped you guys.

Now if our nation would hunger for God half as much as it hungered for freedom think of how much better of we would be. Do not tell me I'm imposing my morals on you, no one is making you read this blog, if you're here its obviously because you want to read something, and I choose what is said. And besides you telling me that, by your standards is imposing your views on me. Anyway before I upset every evolutionist and Democrat here I will try and chage subjects from bringing you down, to bringing God up.

First I thank God for all the silly people who save the world from boredom, next I pray for all of my friends who have specific needs and problems, especially the campers, I also pray for ths staff I had the previlage of working with. And most importantly, I thank God for sending His Son, Jesus, to save us from our sins

I would like to rant about many various things now. I cannot stand people who cause division in the Church, in many cases what they do causes the amputation of parts of the Body of Christ. Denominations are another thing, I'm a Pentacostal by and by, but I will not go to a church based only on denomination, we as Christians need to stop arguing about doctrine, get together and let God have His way, then we know none of us are in the wrong if we are doing God's will.

We also need to stop worrying, according to Romans 8:28, everything will work together for the good of those who love God. So no matter what happens God will take care of it and use it to our benefit.

I have alot to say but blogs this big take a long time to publish, and I will break it up into smaller blogs so keep reading, and start commenting

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Proud to be American

"American girls, american guys, will always stand up and salute will always recognize when they see old glory flying theres alot of men dead, so we can sleep at night when we lay down our head. My daddy served in the army, lost his right eye flew a flag out in our yard till the day that he died. Told my mother, my brother, my sister and me to grow up in live happy in the land of the free. Well now this nation that I love is falling under attack, some might sucker punch come flying in from somewhere in the back, well as soon as we could see clearly through our big black eye boy we lit up your world like the Fourth of July."

I may not always be proud of this countries actions, or where it stands, but I tell you what, I will be dead before terrorists take this country. There are few things or beings I would die for but three of them are: my God, my country, and some close friends and relatives, in that order. In all honesty I do not want to join one of te branchs of the armed forces, but if thats asked of me "well I will bear that cross with honor, because freedom don't come free."

I pray that God will guide this country, and continue to bless it, Now make no mistake, my God comes before my country. Thats one reason why I will only pledge to "one nation UNDER God". And this nation is turning from God very quickly, and I do not want to see this country I love so much fall in that trap.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Hello Mr. President

Well, As many of you know the President will be visiting Morgantown WV this Fourth of July. And I get this message, Joey the scouts want to talk to you about the president on Monday call this number, so I call come to find out they want me to work as a ticket collector for the Presidential visit. When I found out the president was goping to be in Morgantown I got excited, but tickets were sodl out and so on. However I would have to go to a meeting tomorrow at 3:00, and my church is having a big celebration tomorrow, and I guess you can say I put God before the president of the United States, and I wanted to go to the celebration anyway where many staff from camp will be in attendance, I think its the biggest opportunity I've ever turned down. My reasons are correct though and my whole church family is expecting tomorrow so I feel I've done the right thing. But I'm glad I was even considered for something like this. Now I've given up alot to be in at the celebration tomorrow and I trust God that He's going to do something there that He wants me to be there for.

Parting is not sweet at all!

Well it was the last week and kind of depressing, my ministry at camp is over, we on the staff who have formed such strong relationships are parting, in the wrods of one of the senior counselors "it sucks that its over".

I must say God has done amazing things every week, and I've learned alot. I just hope and pray that the campers will never forget what they learned this summer. Campers if you read this I'm still thinking about you guys, and praying for you. I encourage you campers to stay on the straight and narrow, and let God have His will in your life.

Once again I wound up in the lake last night, once again it was Daniel rocking the boat, along with Joey B. Regardless of weather you've been in the water before, its still hard to make that transition from the boat to the water, kinda like jumping out a plane without a parachute, however If God says do thid and you're scared you better do it. I was very scared I was going to mess up everything being a junior counselor, but It's what God wanted me to do, and He helped me through it.

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